Category: S-100


S100 Card Collection

I was doing some “spring cleaning” and decided to consolidate the loose S100 cards I had and take some pictures to help document them.  Below are the pictures. Artec Electronics Bob Mullen California Computer...


MITS Altair Word Processing System

Here are the various parts of the MITS Altair Word Processing system except for the desk. MITS Altair 8800BT computer: Beehive B100 Terminal: MITS Altair 88-DCDD Disk Drive 0: MITS Altair 88-DCDD Disk Drive...


MITS Altair 8800 lost and found

I had a slight shipping mishap and the courier company lost a MITS Altair 8800 I had recently acquired.  It is a project MITS Altair as it needs the internal cards and it appears...


Ithaca InterSystems DPS-1

This is an Ithaca InterSystems DPS-1 S-100 computer.  It’s an early model (serial number MFD-0095) that, unfortunately, has some front paddles missing and the run/stop switch.   The front panel still has the plastic protection...

Vector Graphic Vector 1++

The Vector 1++ computer from Vector Graphic was a recent acquisition. I cleaned up the dust on the motherboard and am in the process of restoring it. Unfortunately, in transit via UPS, the internal...

TEI Special Systems Group S-100 computer

This is another S-100 based computer within a TEI Special Systems Group chassis. It has a 22 slot TEI Systems S-100 back plane and includes several cards . Below is a list of cards...


Persci Drive and controller boards?

I pride myself in being able to find almost anything on the Internet.  This item has me stumped.  It’s a Persci dual drive with, what I believe is an S-100 controller card set.  The...


Zeus 80 – Restored and working

After a full disassembly, inspection and cleaning, the Zeus 80 fired right up.  I used an 8″ CP/M 2.2 boot disk and booted the machine and ran Adventure!  I am very happy to have...


Exidy Sorcerer: Mystery Solved

Buried in a “power supply” as described to me by the previous owner, I managed to acquire a fully populated Exidy Sorcerer S-100 Expansion Kit card.  It is in an interesting case that very...